Thursday, December 9, 2010

We are proud of Aditya

In a Thursday evening in November 2010:


Aditya, a student who practices Taekwondo in Zen’s Bayshore Park, was greeted with an appreciation after returning a lost phone back to its owner. The blackberry phone which he found on a bus, was handed over to the bus driver. The owner was then contacted and hence managed to retrieve the lost phone. He expressed his gratitude towards Aditya through text message stating, “Hey there Aditya! I’m the owner of the phone you found just now. Just wanna say thanks so much for returning it to SBS, really, thanks so much! I can’t survive without this phone , and it means a lot for one kind soul like you to find and return it. God bless! J


In this incident, Aditya has demonstrated great discipline and by fulfilling the Taekwondo pledge “…We shall remain humble, honest and helpful at all times…”, he has thus set a good example for his fellow mates and any other individual.



Best Regards,

Catherine Ong

[Girlene Tan]

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