Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Future Zen Leaders Monthly Sunday Morning Training - starting 31 Oct 9am

Date: Every last Sunday of each month
(if it falls on Public Holiday, it will be brought forward to the Sunday before)

Time: 9am to 11am

Venue: Nanyang Polytechnic Blk E outside TKD Clubroom

Objectives: To train up Zen's Future Leaders & improve day performance
Bring your full gears and guards, full dobok or long sleeves

1. Brown Belt and above (those green and blue belt, be patient, your turn will come)
2. Zen logo (or NYP BlackBelt, excluding those who are currently in another club)
3. Good attendance record at the usual training ground (those who attain the first 2 criteria but not the 3rd, may NOT come - this is not a substitute training day)

Exception: For those who are not in the auto-eligibility list, please refer to Brian Sir before attending.

The above is not to discriminate any students but rather, to focus on the Future Zen Leaders.

Girlene mdm

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